Texte d'introduction


(French law of n° 2004-575 from 21st June 2004 with regard to the processing of personal data)

Horaires et Tarifs à insérer ici


This website is published by:
ESF de Praz Sur Arly
Director: M. BUFFET Yannick
6 route de Megève
74120 Praz sur Arly
Tel: 04 50 21 90 34


The owner has the sole responsibility of the information and services provided. The prices mentioned are indicative only.

However, the ESF Praz sur Arly makes every possible effort to ensure that the information provided on the website is accurate and up-to-date, the content of which it reserves the right to modify at any time without notice. It therefore notifies visitors that it is up to them to verify the information by other means, including by contacting the company.

In consequence, the ESF Praz sur Arly disclaims all liability for any imprecision, inaccuracy or omission relating to information on its website; as well as for any damages resulting from fraudulent intrusion by a third party leading to a modification of said data; and more generally for any direct or indirect damage, regardless of the reason, the origin, the nature or the consequence thereof, caused by the access of anyone on the website, or the impossibility of entering it, as well as the usage of the website and/or credit given to any information gained directly or indirectly from it.

Besides, unless otherwise stated, the intellectual property rights in the documents on the website and in each element created for this site are the exclusive property of the ESF Praz sur Arly or its providers, since the Company and its suppliers grant no licence or right other than that of viewing the site. The reproduction of any documents published on the website is only authorized for the exclusive purpose of information for personally and privately with the exception of all other forms and any use of copies made for other purposes being expressively prohibited. All commercial brands cited on this website are the property of their respective companies. All the products, logos and images mentioned on the website are the properties of their respective owners.


The information gathered by the ESF Praz sur Arly comes from the voluntary registration of an email address given by the Internet user, enabling him to receive a documentation or to get information on a certain subject. This information is never communicated to a third party.


The content of this site is subject to French and International copyright and intellectual property laws. Any full or partial representation, modification, reproduction, commercial use, as well as any transfer to another website are forbidden, unless authorization has been asked by using the above address. Only use for strictly personal purposes is authorized.

HYPERTEXT LINKS (responsibility):

The bonds hypertexts present on this site and directing the users towards other Internet sites do not engage the responsibility of the ESF Praz sur Arly regarding the content of these websites. Any person or entity who would like a link to be set up on this website to their own must ask permission from www.esf-prazsurarly.com. The ESF Praz sur Arly accepts no liability in this case.

Further information: http://www.legifrance.gouv.fr